Narayankoti hospital organized a community medical camp in Khonu (Kotma) village of block Ukhimath of Rudraprayag District. This village is situated at a distance of approximately 21 km from our...
Narayankoti hospital organized a community medical camp in Mastura village of block Ukhimath of Rudraprayag District. This village is situated at a distance of approximately 26 km from our hospital....
Narayankoti hospital organized a community medical camp in Tulanga village of block Ukhimath of Rudraprayag District. This village is situated at a distance of approximately 13 km from our hospital....
A super speciality and other specialties camp was organized at Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospital, Haridwar on Sunday, 19th of December 2021. Specialists who offered voluntary services included Dr. Ram Subhag...
Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospital, Haridwar organized a community medical camp Gaindikhata village, block Bahadarabad of Haridwar District on 18th of December 2021 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The village...
A super speciality and other specialties camp was organized at Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospital, Haridwar on Sunday, 12th of December 2021. The Super Specialist who offered voluntary service included Dr....
A super speciality and other specialties camp was organized at Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospital, Haridwar on Sunday, 5th of December 2021. The Super Specialist who offered voluntary service included Dr....
Total 3 camps catering to 3 villages were conducted benefitting 172 persons. Haridwar hospital has organized 3 community medical camps in Panjanheri, Aurangabad and Garh Meerpur villages of block Bahadrabad...