Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospital, Haridwar organized a community medical camp in Pherupur village, block Bahadarabad of Haridwar District on 25th of March 2022 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The village...
A multi disciplinary and super speciality camp was organized at Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospit al, Haridwar on Sunday, 20th March 2022. The Super Specialists who offered voluntary services included Dr....
A multi disciplinary and super speciality camp was organized at Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospital, Haridwar on Sunday, 13th of March 2022. The Super Specialists who offered voluntary services included Dr....
Holi Milan programme was celebrated with great joy and gaiety in all the hospitals of Swami Vivekananda Health Mission Society. Swami Vivekanand Charitable Hospital, Dharmawala Dr. Nityanand Hospital, Maneri Madhav...
Holi Milan get together was held on 12th March 2022 at Swami Vivekanand Charitable Hospital, Dharmawala. The program started with lighting of lamp by Dr. Karunan (Senior Nephrologist), Dr. Anuj...
Swami Ramprakash Charitable Hospital, Haridwar organized community medical camps in Bhogpur, Dhanori, Manu Vansh, Haddipur and Dhariwala villages of block Bahadarabad of Haridwar District on 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th and...
A talk and discussion along with QA among the hospitals of Swami Vivekanand Health Mission Society, Uttarakhand, India. Public awareness about early detection and prevention of kidney and related disease....
Petshal Hospital organized two community medical camps in Bagpali and Dasili village of block Dhauladevi of Almora District on 4th and 8th March 2022 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm. The...